At Bamff you can just chill or explore the estate with its short walks through woods & beside beaver wetlands. If you are feeling more energetic you can head off on a longer walk to Alyth and back over the hill or through the Den (3 miles and great views each way) or do a section of the Cateran Trail, a six day circular walk that runs through the estate, featured in Observer Magazine’s 10 best long-distance walks in UK.
In addition to (and partly because of) the famous Bamff beaver wetlands Bamff estate is of particular interest to birdwatchers and wildlife enthusiasts as it enjoys a broad range of indigenous and migrating species of birds. It is also close to Loch of the Lowes for ospreys and Kinnordy for waders. There are also lots of wild mammals at Bamff: roe deer may be seen standing in the clearings or bouncing off through the trees. Red squirrels, varying in colour from strawberry blonde to chestnut are not infrequently seen running up tree trunks and along branches. Pine martens are seen more rarely. Wildcats have been spotted over the years, (after a long gap one was seen in summer 2016) and hedgehogs, moles, stoats, weasels, polecats, badgers and foxes all have homes at Bamff.
Families, couples, individuals and groups have all had a great time staying at Bamff with its woodland and clearings, farmland lawns and wildlife. Check out our Activities calendar for full details of the different courses and events taking place.
Over 100 species of bird spotted in last 20 years
Bird Life
There is year round interest for the keen birdwatcher as we enjoy literally hundreds of species of birds. Bamff has a large range of birds because it has such a wide variety of habitats from field, to wetland, to woodland of various kinds and on to hill pasture and moorland. Bamff is within easy reach of Kinnordy Loch for waders and Loch o’ the Lowes for Ospreys. Here is a list of birds seen at Bamff over the last 20 years by Chris Potter, a keen bird watcher who lives here. If you have anything to add to this list, please let us know.
Species of birds seen at Bamff (N=Normally)
Black Backed Gull, Black Grouse, Black Headed Gull, Blackbird N, Blackcap, Blue Tit N, Brambling, Bullfinch N, Buzzard N, Canada Goose, Carrion Crow N, Chaffinch N, Chiffchaff, Coal Tit N, Collared Dove, Common Gull, Common Sandpiper, Cormorant, Crossbill, Cuckoo N, Dipper, Fieldfare, Garden Warbler N, Gold Crest N, Golden Plover, Goldfinch N, Goosander, Goshawk, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Tit N, Greenfinch N, Green Sandpiper, Green Woodpecker N, Greylag Goose, Grey Wagtail N, Hedge Sparrow N, Hen Harrier, Heron N, Herring Gull, Hooded Crow, House Martin N, House Sparrow N, Jackdaw N, Jay N, Kestrel N, Lapwing, Linnet N, Little Grebe N, Long-Eared Owl N, Long Tailed Tit N, Magpie,Mallard N, Marsh Tit, Meadow Pipit N, Merlin, Mistle Thrush N, Moorhen N, Mute Swan, Osprey, Oyster Catcher N, Partridge N, Peregrine Falcon, Pheasant N, Pied Wagtail N, Pink Footed Goose, Quail, Raven N, Red Grouse, Red Legged Partridge N, Red Wing, Redpoll, Redstart, Robin N, Rook N, Sand Martin, Scaup, Short Eared Owl, Shoveler, Siskin, Snipe, Song Thrush N, Sparrow Hawk N, Spotted Flycatcher N, Starling N, Stock Dove N,Stonechat N, Swallow N, Swift N, Tawny Owl N, Teal, Tree Creeper N, Turtle Dove, Tufted Duck, Water Rail, Wheatear N, Whinchat, Whitethroat N, Whooper Swan, Wigeon, Willow Warbler N, Wood Pigeon N, Woodcock N, Wren N, Yellow Hammer N.
The Cateran Trail traces old drove roads and ancient paths
‘Cateran’ comes from the feared cattle thieves who raided the rich lands of Strathardle, Glenshee and Glen Isla. The Cateran Trail is a circular walk of 64 miles through the spectacular and varied landscape of East Perthshire, from the open farmland on the edge of the highlands to the rugged mountain terrain of Glenshee. The route is ideal for both walkers and cyclists.
Sample Itinerary
Day 1 – Blairgowrie – Bridge of Cally. (7 miles)
Day 2 – Bridge of Cally – Kirkmichael. (8 miles)
Day 3 – Kirkmichael – Spittal of Glenshee (8.5miles)
Day 4 – Spittal of Glenshee – Glenisla. (14.5 miles)
Day 5 – Glenisla – Bamff. (8 miles)
Day 6 – Bamff. – Blairgowrie. (11 miles)
More information can be found on the Cateran Trail website.
Combine your holiday at Bamff with learning new skills
Open to adults and children alike, the Scottish Woodland Skills Centre run a wide range of woodland craft and skills courses through out the year.
All the courses are designed to strengthen the connection between people and the Scottish native woodlands and promote the sustainable use of woodland materials.
Some examples of courses include:
- Green woodworking
- Charcoal making
- Cooking on a small smokery
- Bushcraft
- Willow weaving
- Dry stone dyking
We also have bee hives on site and offer a bee keeping course for beginners.
For further details visit Scottish Woodland Skills Centre