Sleep in the heart of Bamff Wildland

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  • Off-grid (currently no electricity or running water)
  • Sleeps 2
  • Double bed
  • Wood burning stove with basket of firewood
  • 2-hob camping stove
  • Compost toilet
  • Fully equipped with bed linen, towels, crockery, cutlery, candles
  • Ten minute walk along woodland path from car park

  • Sustainable travel policy
    We encourage people to travel sustainably whenever possible by using public transport, walking or cycling.
    Please visit the directions page to find out more.

As seen on Channel 4’s “Escape to the Wilderness” this off-grid cabin is in a quiet clearing in the woods at the heart of Bamff Wildland, near the UK’s best beaver wetlands. The cabin was built by a collaboration of artist joiners, from a combination of new and used materials. The cabin is ultimately intended for use by an artists’ residency but for now it is available to rent by the week, half week or long week-ends. It sleeps 2 but could fit one or two small children with own bedding.

The many windows make it wonderfully light, but the bed has its own antique patchwork curtains to shut out the light at night time.

It has a large deck, a double bed, (accessed from one side only)  a wood burning stove, camping gas cooker and freezer box. (Freezer blocks can be re-frozen in the Bamff shop freezer.)
It has its own composting toilet but no shower. You may use the shower at the back of Bamff House.

The Burnieshed cabin is accessible only by footpath – it is a ten minute walk from the carpark along the Burnieshed path with its many beaver dams. Parts of the path may be muddy or flooded  so it is vital to  wear waterproof footwear. The beavers come out in the evening and go to bed in the morning so you may see them if you stand quietly on the path at these times. If you book for 4 nights or more we offer a luggage run for your stuff at the beginning and end of your stay, by quad bike or 4 wheel drive vehicle.  Water is provided in a container and can be replenished during the stay at the Bamff honesty shop.

There is no electricity, wifi, or running water but you can (usually) get a mobile signal nearby.

The Burnieshed Cabin is  a wonderful location for people with a love of wildlife and adventure.

The Burnieshed Cabin is on the Cateran Trail which is featured in Observer Magazine’s 10 best long-distance walks in UK. We can arrange transport to and from any other sections of the trail.

Nearby is the Scottish Woodland Skills Centre where many interesting courses are available.

If you would like to see the Bamff beavers, please let us know in advance to arrange a guided walk. You can also book tours of the wildland project.

The Wildland walks for guests are £40 per accommodation unit. The walk  takes approximately 2 hours and happens during the day, usually starting  at 10 am or 3 pm. The guide – normally a family member – will take you round some of the Wildland area and explain our rewilding project. You will learn where the beavers live and what they eat and see many dams and other impacts.

The beaver watch walk is £30 per unit of accommodation. It takes place in the evening, usually around 8 pm.  From April to September there is usually a good chance of seeing beavers.